Alcohol and Drug Evaluations ($165)
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations are NON-DUI assessments (also known as substance abuse assessments). Evaluations may be court-ordered for various reasons by Judges, probation officers, pretrial diversion officers, and law enforcement agencies that may deem it necessary to assess a person's addiction severity to substances.
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations are NON-DUI assessments. In order to qualify for the $165 rate, payment must be made the SAME DAY you schedule an appointment. Our regular rate is $165

Fast Virtual Appointments. Nationwide Virtual Same-Day Appointments for All Court Ordered Assessments Starting $165. Low Cost Services. Payment Options Available. You can find further information by calling us at Alcohol and Drug Evaluations, LLC.
Why do I need an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation?
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations are typically required for a set of charges, including misdemeanors or felonies nationwide. However, alcohol and drug related charges are always referred to evaluators for an assessment of the individual’s addiction severity. A private appointment which can take up to an hour is set aside for each individual to discuss their unique situation and a recommendation is prepared accordingly.
Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Charges)
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations include charges such as the following:
- Public Intoxication
- Minor in Possession (MIP)
- Possession of Marijuana
- Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or (DWI)
- Reckless Driving
- Assault
- Battery
- Burglary
- Robbery
- Theft by Receiving
You can find further information by calling us at Alcohol and Drug Evaluations, LLC.

Alcohol and Drug Evaluations Conducted in Privacy @ Atlanta, Decatur, and Marietta, GA Offices
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations are conducted in the privacy of our offices in Atlanta, Decatur, or Marietta. Individuals are assessed based on the Addiction Severity Index Instrument or the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) and Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST). This process includes standardized psychometric tests and a complete bio-psychosocial history is assessed and the results are shared with the individual at the end of the assessment process. A written report is prepared based on results and diagnosis, along with treatment choices, if necessary.
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations are used in court sentencing mitigation to reduce the length of a sentence, prison commitment or treatment can be substituted in lieu of all the sentences. The sooner you complete your evaluation the quicker you’ll be on your way to freedom.